Over the course of time, grief takes on different aspects – mourning, crying, being reflective, being quiet, detached, angry, frustrated, feeling helpless, wondering what to do now, how to go on when your own life is turned upside down. Then comes the loving tributes, the love letters, poems and pictures of our expressions of love and appreciation gushing from depths of our soul that we didn’t even know we had. Others find a resolution that they will be a warrior for him to defend him in the media and society. Or to be a healer for his wounds. Or a person who dresses like him or imitates his moves, looks, or sound. Or a person who can keep summarizing who he was, is and how we are involved together in this most unusual journey.
There is an aspect of celebration as a way of remembering. We want a good grasp on the story so that we can tell it to THIS generation, and the ones to follow. Correcting misconceptions and outright lies. Telling the WHOLE story, not just the media bias that is sensationalized for sales. We need to remember. We need to tell the story. We need to LIVE the story as well. That’s why we have holidays and monuments. Lest we forget.
We all had a was. A way of doing life. A routine. A purpose. Maybe even a goal we were looking to achieve. I know I was. But then June 25th came, and lots of events changed my whole purpose in life. I was thrust into a new purpose. How do I reconcile my ‘was’ with my ‘is’? How do I live the story? There’s a Hebrew word ‘zacar’. It means ‘to remember’. Remembering is a way of loving. Why do we need to remember? Because we are prone to forget. Or that those who follow us will not know the story – we want to keep on telling the story to those who don’t know.
What we remember is Michael’s impact on our world. A legacy is something that is handed down from a predecessor; it’s what we have inherited from them, their gift.
Living the legacy is a way to keep carrying on his impact. To learn his message and incorporate it in a way that is genuine to our own lives and how we are being PROMPTED to respond. Some resonate with the message of focusing on the planet’s well-being.... or children’s needs, or animal welfare, or issues of racial equality, and love among all people. In a word – his message is love.
There is the legacy of his unparalleled success as an entertainer – the unique music, lyrics, dancing and singing. The music that is yet to come. We live the legacy by finding our place in the message. Doing what WE can do – and it may become your new IS. Your whole new purpose. Or it may be a parallel sideline to everything you already do.
One of the things that struck me so hard one day was seeing a vinyl decal on the back of someone’s truck: “Elvis Lives”. I cried almost in rage saying that I was not willing to let Michael be reduced to a vinyl decal...he was bigger than that! But I understand that the way I live my life reflects what he’s taught me and how he's changed and inspired me. If you want to know what he’s taught me, you can read my eulogy on my FB page.
The media asked “What is his legacy?” His music. His way of life and making a change in our own lives to ‘make the world a better place’ in every way possible. Living a life as a giver, not a taker. Perpetuating his reputation, supporting his children – his legacy, and living in a way that shows him in an honorable light. Not just to revere his memory but to carry on his work. Now.
Early on, I was struck by the similarities of Michael’s life with one of the parables of Jesus. This one in particular came to me when I started to realize the global phenomenon that kept growing as more people were expressing how they were consumed by this one person who had changed their life:
24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24)
MULTIPLY. Think for a moment of how many people have been thrust into action, carrying on Mike’s caring and generosity in ways they never did before. This has been a change from ONE person... to millions. Millions of people carrying on his work. There’s a saying that ‘the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church’... in other words.... whenever there has been unjust suffering or a cruel strike of something innocent and precious, people instinctively rise up and GET SERIOUS about the message determined not to have those people’s death be in vain. Instead of it being a defeat, it only causes the group to swell in determination.
For 50 years we had one magnificent person! Now look what has happened. Tons and tons of people carrying on his legacy of love. Millions of ‘Michaels’. There’s been a new awareness of who he is and what we have LOST. But also an awareness of what we GAINED. The legacy we inherited as part of this generation that had him and lost him. We will not squander the gift.
There has been such a spiritual awakening in so many people on a global scale that it is raising the vibrations of the love on earth. How’s THAT for a legacy! One seed was ‘planted’ but has not died... only given life to many multiples – spreading the same message, rising to our full potential, letting the inspiration that thrilled us in awe motivate us to shed our insecurities and be the influence of a ‘major love’ through prayer, our attititude, words and deeds. The message is bigger than our individual names or personalities. That’s why attention-seekers, grabbers or whathaveyou are like poison in this regard. The dividers, the ones who engage in vicious arguments and unloving behavior in the ‘fan base’ who cause irreparable harm is simply so contrary to Michael’s legacy. He was a man who exuded love. Any behavior otherwise is not only embarrassing, it simply does not belong and only serves to weaken the message and cause further harm of Michael’s reputation as we are the ones who now represent him to society at large. Again, I say it is POISON when such activities happen. Poison is the antithesis of love. Love does not tolerate this poison, for one drop of poison spoils the greater good.
Living the legacy means taking the best he offered, and being like that ourselves.
Encouraging the best out of others.
Living as an extreme giver, practicing “extravagant generosity” – no matter what our income
Believing in our own gifts, as well as believing in others’ as well – and telling them so
Living from the heart and soul... not just the wallet or our minds
Striving for the best of the best, because doing something with excellence is an expression of love
I was at Forest Lawn to celebrate and remember and show honor to him. Marty In LA has a super Michael Jackson music radio show on ustream Mondays and Fridays. He videoed my friend Shirley and myself about what we should remember Michael for. I talk about the legacy of love here:
And here is a commercial with Michael saying “Love is my message”
Show the love; live the legacy.
by Rita Bosico
Copyright (c) 2011
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