Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Call For Love Devotion - June 29: Living the Legacy

I was in California last week, remembering Michael, celebrating his life, missing him and sharing love for him with all the people who were there. We cried and laughed, shared stories, visited the places he loved and imagined him being there with us. We played his music non-stop and spent every waking moment thinking and talking about him. We made multiple visits to Neverland and Forest Lawn. It was beautiful, magical, incredible. I loved being able to really express my devotion to Michael with others who feel the same.

As the time came closer to when we would have to return to our regular lives, I desperately wanted to do something to show my dedication to Michael. I wanted to give something back for all he has brought to my life. Nothing seemed to be enough. At one point we even discussed throwing ourselves off the top of Holly Terrace to demonstrate our undying love.
We sat in the shade on the edge of the road across from the building just before it was time to leave. It seemed almost impossible to drive away from this beautiful place and leave Michael behind. We sat in silence, lost in our thoughts. It was totally quiet, peaceful, serene. A hawk appeared above us, wings outstretched, gliding in a huge circle over our heads, at one point coming so low, we could see each individual feather outlined. He then circled in a figure eight over Holly Terrace. We continued to watch him, time standing still, as he effortlessly glided and spiralled above us, never once flapping his wings, until he disappeared behind one of the majestic trees on the hill. The only word for it was, perfection.

It was time to go, and we knew the majestic hawk was a message from Michael, to tell us that he is always with us and all is well. Although we will continue to visit him at Forest Lawn every year, we realize he can not be contained. He is free, perfect, effortless and continuing to inspire and delight us with his creativity and endless love. No need to jump off a building for him, He only asks that we be what he would have us be - our true selves. When we do this, we are like the hawk, in joy, living life to the fullest.

We left Forest Lawn without tears, still in awe, and headed for the airport to drop off our rented car and check in for our flight home. While waiting in line, we saw a big sign on the wall which read - Dreams of Soaring, beside it were two hawks, wings outstretched in a blue sky.

A lady sitting at the gate waiting for the plane mentioned that she like Siren's jacket. I spoke up and told her "It's a Michael Jackson jacket." When we came through Canada customs a few hours later, the agent asked why we had been in L.A. Siren answered, "We were there for Michael Jackson's memorial." Without effort, we had chosen a way to honor Michael and live his legacy, by joyfully bringing him into people's awareness. We can dedicate our lives to him by keeping him reverently in our hearts and taking every opportunity to share his divinity with those who may be ready to hear.

by Brenda Jenkyns
Copyright (c) 2011

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